National Trademarks is an American company specializing in trademark registration, founded in 1984 . The company currently has offices in New York and Israel, serving many businesses in the hi-tech, medical equipment, textile, and food industries, among others.
National Trademarks has been working for over thirty years with patent offices and has extensive experience in registering trademarks and copyrights, handling litigation within patent offices, and amending trademarks for registration.
Why choose National Trademarks?
We accompany our clients throughout the process, not simply in submitting the forms. We ensure our clients receive comprehensive services, handle all correspondence with patent offices free of charge, and ensure that our clients' trademark applications are accepted.
We are experts in registering hard – to – register trademarks, and know how to deal with the Patent Offices. We conduct trademark clearance searches free of charge with no obligation.
Offer clients free advice on choosing a logo, and send clients reminders every five years to ensure their trademark registrations are maintained.
In addition, we guarantee that if a client's trademark application is rejected, the client will be eligible to register an alternative trademark, free of charge, in that country.